Welcome to the new website for the Baiting Hollow Church! We hope you will spend time visiting the site to learn a bit more about our church.  If you are searching for a spirit of Christian love and friendship and a Faith Community grounded in God's amazing grace you will surely want to visit our historic Baiting Hollow Church in person.

Baiting Hollow Church is an active small church. We are located in the hamlet of Baiting Hollow on Long Island, NY. This is an area that used to be all agriculture, mainly potatoes. Housing developments have moved in but we still have a few farms and now vineyards complete with wine tasting and entertainment. We consider the Baiting Hollow area “country” as compared to other areas of Long Island to the west.


Worship services are held at Baiting Hollow Church each Sunday morning at 10 am.  Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month and it is open to all who wish to participate. Dress for worship services is "come as you are."


The Baiting Hollow church building is handicap accessible for the main floor. The sanctuary is air conditioned. There is ample parking on church property.


Our additional pages have information on our activities.


Baiting Hollow Church doors are open to all who wish to grow in faith individually and with others; who also wish to serve those in need and work for unity and peace.


Please explore the Baiting Hollow church website further to learn more about our"Church on the Hill" and what we have to offer you. We look forward to seeing you in person. Welcome Home!


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